5 Suggestions to Stay Relevant in 2017

What do you plan to do to keep up with the trends of 2017? If you’re feeling unsure, check out these five suggestions for your business to stay relevant in the new year.

Using technology in your business and marketing efforts has countless advantages. Augmented reality offers one such technology with huge benefits for your company.

As a new technology, augmented reality (AR) has gained notable recognition within recent years. It provides a live view of something in the real world, augmented by some form of computer-generated overlay. This overlay is seen through a digital device, such as a camera on a smartphone or tablet, special glasses or a headset, and can be anything from an image or video, to data or an audio track. AR blends the real world and virtual reality to modify the viewer’s perception of his or her surroundings.

Technology sounds great, but how can it benefit your business? Turns out, in a lot of ways. Check out these ways you can leverage augmented reality to grow in 2017.

Augmented reality gives viewers real-time information.
Not only does augmentation transport viewers to another reality, but it can also be used to present up-to-date information in an innovative way. AR occurs in real time, therefore your business has the option to update its augmented reality experience as it goes, for viewers to learn current facts and figures about your products or services.

Augmented reality has fun while being serious.
Of course, the greatest perk of augmentation is it shows your funny side, while still seriously marketing the company. Your business has the option to be creative with its augmented reality—the more interactive, the better. This gets consumers involved in a fun way, while showing everything your business has to offer them.

When your business stays up-to-date on the latest technology, it demonstrates adaptivity. Consumers are more likely to trust business they identify with, and augmentation literally reaches out to them through their screens and creates a fun, memorable connection.

How does it work?
On a widescale basis, augmented reality works through individuals’ personal electronic devices. Many businesses reach out to these devices through their company’s app. For example, the latest Pokémon Go craze used an app players could download to see the virtual pokémon living among them. If your business already has an app or aspires to build one, augmented reality offers one route to go.

How can your business get started?
Do you want to get started with augmented reality? The first step is simple: think of consumers’ needs or wants and how they relate to augmented reality. What goal do you have for your business, and how can augmented reality help you towards it? Consider the uses augmented reality has for your business and how they can be applied to current marketing efforts.

Second, if your business isn’t ready to create its own app or start using augmented reality right now, that’s okay. Set yourself up for the future of technology by preparing data and content to embrace the upcoming opportunity.

Many experts predict that within a few years consumers will expect information about real and virtual objects in their environment to be readily available on their phones, smart glasses or earpieces. By preparing your business materials today for convergence, you will set yourself up for future success.

With augmented reality, you can create a virtual 3D experience for consumers to engage in from wherever they are, further promoting your brand. Help your business get involved in the technology craze this year through exploring the mixed world of augmented reality. By embracing the virtual world, you can continue to grow in the real world.

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