Online marketing for your business is important. But how do you compel website visitors to become website customers? Your goal is for viewers to take that extra step and become active. What better way to do just that than a strong call to action?
Calls to action (CTA) are exactly as they sound—content intended for a viewer, reader or listener to perform a specific action. In other words, they function as the stepping stones between customers passing by and customers who feel invested and interested enough to take the next step—whether that means learning more or purchasing a product or service.
Effective calls to action should be visible throughout your marketing materials; however, when developing an effective CTA button for your website, keep the following important tips in mind.
State the urgency.
Money is lost when time is wasted. If visitors to your site take too much time choosing whether they want to engage, you are risking potential income for your business. Express the urgency of a decision with a call to action that will reach visitors immediately. Words like now and today are convenient options.
Use action words.
It’s a call to action for a reason. When constructing a CTA button for your company’s website, use powerful, compelling verbs such as act, investigate, connect, offer and start. Make your words memorable.
Be concise.
Keep it simple. Give the essential information in as few words as possible.
Go step-by-step.
People love CTAs that are easily followed. When crafting your call to action, be sure to ask yourself: “If I had no idea what was going on, could people follow this easily on my site?” If not, you may want to rethink how intuitive and user-friendly your website is.
Get emotional.
Get into your prospects’ sensitive side by including emotion in your business’s CTAs. If the product or service can benefit a customer’s life, tell them how. By including humanistic elements in your call to action, your business will appear more relatable.
Choose colors.
Visual elements play a huge role in crafting a creative, effective CTA. Use eye-catching, contrasting colors that capture visitors’ attention and draw them in. Gain an understanding of how colors impact your audience’s conversion. For example, orange and yellow increase cheerfulness and optimism, while purple represents a creative, wise and imaginative brand.
Think “I want to…”
Imagine your call to action as an “I want to” button. Think of the big red button that you can’t resist pushing. Nobody wants to submit a form. But they may want to get started now!
By following these simple tips, your business can easily create CTAs that will generate client leads and new business. An effective call to action can result in increased engagement with consumers, which will help grow your online business presence in the community.